I Grand Chief: Patrick Sarrazin, has set up a new mailing address for all application to to be sent Windsor On, as as per conversation with all related parties working with The Official Indian Nation Of North America.
Linna has been growing with great pride and unity around the world and my schedule and passion for LINNA has brought me to ask for some out side help in the Application process.
Best Regard’s
See application for details.
May 15 2023

News update March 05 2023
I Grand Chief Patrick Sarrazin would like to apologize for the lack of update’s to linna.ca web page, the last few years their has been some sadness to out office in North Bay On,
I would like ask my members to get involved and hope to here from the ones that want to make changes for our cause and Intergovernmental cause around the world. Please feel free to reach out to out teams at sarrazin610@gmail.com or www://linnacanada.org
New update 04-03-2023
I, DR. Patrick Sarrazin, the Standing Grand Chief of the original and Official Government house of LINNA.ca, would like to take this time to officially address all of you from a sincere heart especially in light of the recent events that have occurred on the USA side. As of 15th May 2022, I have removed Ambassador Akil Ali from his duties as an Ambassador of the official government house of LINNA.ca. My concern with former Ambassador Akil Ali was pertaining to the mistrust of a conversation we had back in February 2022.
I never did say in the last conversation with him that LINNA.ca was in good standing with LINNA-USA.org. So why would he have those that are working with him send out an email misleading all of you that they were in good standing with LINNA.ca? As Grand Chief,
I have exhausted everyone associated with LINNA-USA.org to stand down and honor the Official Government house of LINNA.ca that was traditionally set up by the Six Nations and set up the traditional way of life (Hereditary) the Aboriginal way of life.
I was chosen to represent my people from the heart, not a formal bank account or a patent title. They no longer have any right to use the LINNA Constitution, flag or history as displayed on their website. Doing so violates the intent of my ancestors who set this up long before LINNA-USA.org ever came in existence for the people and not for selfish gain. If they desire their own separate government, then they must go through the proper channels in doing so just like my ancestors did. But hi-jacking someone else’s government as though it’s their own is not the aboriginal native way.
The League of Indian Nations of North America belongs to the OFFICIAL HOUSE LOCATED IN CANADA, LINNA.ca. The name of LINNA includes the entire North American Continent, not just Canada. From this day forward, I have exhausted all ties with LINNA-USA.org as for poor and reckless behavior over the past few years, after reviewing the email that was sent to all of you last week, I noticed they listed names of those who resigned or have been removed.
I suspect that those are the ones who saw the recklessness as I did and decided to not be a part of the deception. If this is the case, I commend them for their moving away.
You may be asking the question, where does LINNA go from here? Surprisingly, for most of you, I did not have any knowledge that you were members of LINNA until recently. Your applications were supposed to be sent to LINNA.ca by Akil Ali per his duty as Ambassador but he never did.
If it were not for those who made the right decision in sending your applications to the Official Government house of LINNA.ca, I would have not known you were members. You may have been told that LINNA.ca office was shut down and I had abandon LINNA.
I say to all of you that I could NEVER abandon my position because in doing so, I would dishonor my ancestors and what was traditionally passed down to me. If I would have decided to resign my position, I would have communicated my intentions to everyone.
Yes, we have had some staffing issues which caused us some challenges just like any other government but we never stopped being a government and that is NO EXCUSE for them to set up something without my knowledge and approval.
Had he properly communicated his intentions in setting up various departments to assist the people on that side of the border, I would have considered it seeing that it was for the people and not for selfish gain. Every legitimate government MUST have checks and balances to ensure no one is moving on their own accord.
Although what was set up on the USA side was commendable it was not communicated to me by Akil Ali. So at this time, I am working on bringing in key people, as I had in the past, which have certain expertise on an administrative level to assist in taking LINNA to the next level.
Now that I have your applications, I will be sending out new LINNA ID cards to each of you very soon. I will set up a conference call with all of you very soon but in the meantime, if you have any questions for me, please email them. Furthermore if you receive any communication from the LINNA-USA.org associates, please disregard them because they are not a part of the Official Government house of LINNA.ca.
The world is changing all around us and we must come together in Indian Unity, not division.
United Nation Deceleration of the Rights of Indigenous peoples:
On June 21st 2021 the United nations Declaration on the rights of the Rights of Indigenous peoples Act received Royal Assent and came into force.
Article 24 : Indigenous People have the right tom their traditional Medicine and to maintain their health practices, Including the conservation of their vital medicinal plants, animals, and minerals.
Indigenous individuals also have the right to access without and discrimination . to all social and health services
Monday November 7, 2016
Guilty pleas end unlawful hunting case that sparked outrage over treaty rights | Globalnews.ca
Wednesday May 11, 2016
Unanimous ruling says Ottawa has jurisdiction over all indigenous people
Metis ans Non Status Indian (2) (1)
Wednesday May 11, 2016
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Wednesday December 3,2014 Toronto Star Article
Chris So / Toronto Star Order this photo
Author John Ralston Saul’s new book, The Comeback, looks at the rising legal, political and social power of Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples.
By: Haroon Siddiqui Columnist, Published on Sat Nov 29 2014
“When the school is on the reserve, the child lives with his parents who are savages; he is surrounded by savages and though he may learn to read and write, his habits and training and mode of thought are Indian. He is simply a savage who can read and write.”
That was our first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, speaking in the House of Commons in 1883, rationalizing the residential schools where aboriginal children were consigned to be cleansed of their Indian-ness.
Of the 150,000 who suffered that fate, many were sexually abused. Many were starved to be used as guinea pigs for nutrition experiments. Not until 2003 did Ottawa acknowledge the horror. In 2008 it formally apologized. More than 100,000 former residents have since been compensated from a $1.9-billion fund. A Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been hearing from survivors and examining 3.5 million documents, earlier withheld by Ottawa.
That genocidal practice was but one element of a vast infrastructure of racism designed to keep “the white people, pink people, at the top,” writes John Ralston Saul, author, philosopher and Canada’s pre-eminent public intellectual.
“Canadians of European origin decided that ‘Indians,’ ‘half-breeds’ and “Esquimaus’ were among the destined losers when faced by our superiority, our Darwinian destiny. And so we set about helping them on their way to oblivion.”
The 1876 Indian Act deemed First Nations people as legally inferior. Later amendments banned them from leaving their reserves without permission, wearing aboriginal clothing off-reserves or performing the Sun Dance or the Pot Latch ceremony of feasting and gift-giving, or hiring lawyers (so they would not pursue land claims). They weren’t allowed to vote until 1961. Of the 60 indigenous languages, today 45 are in danger, a national tragedy.
Yes, our treatment of its aboriginals “cannot be compared to the war, violence, massacres and slavery seen in the United States, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean, or even Australia. But there is no honor to be had from those comparisons,” says Saul, in his new book, The Comeback.
The title refers to the rising legal, political and social power of the Aboriginal Peoples, as seen in the 2012-13 Idle No More protests across the country against the policies of the Stephen Harper government.
The book is the most powerful indictment I’ve read by a non-aboriginal person of our ongoing indifference to Ottawa’s refusal to settle “the single biggest unresolved issue” of our time.
Saul calls the book a pamphlet, at 180 pages an afternoon read. Yet he pricks your conscience so much that you pause often and think long and hard about how we, as citizens, are complicit in Ottawa’s still colonial behaviour towards our indigenous peoples.
The media tell us only about alcoholism, glue-sniffing, Third World poverty, aboriginal over-representation in jails, the unsolved murder or disappearance of 1,180 aboriginal women, and the profligate ways of some chiefs, which the Harperites publicize to suggest that’s the norm among Indian leaders.
“Did anyone bother to compare the percentage of overpaid chiefs with the percentage of overpaid CEOs in the private sector? Or corrupt and incompetent mayors? Or badly behaving lawyers?” asks Saul.
The problem is not the Aboriginal Peoples. It is us.
We are either indifferent to the indigenous peoples or sympathetic to them. But they do not want our sympathy. They want their rights — as spelled out in the treaties between them and the Crown.
Those “permanent nation-to-nation agreements” are what made Canada possible on the triangular foundation of aboriginals, Francophones and Anglophones. The indigenous peoples gave massive tracts of lands in return for a permanent partnership of equals.
Yet “we pretend that we do not have partnership obligations. We criticize. We insult. We complain. We weasel: Surely, these handouts have gone on long enough. But the most important handout was to us. ”
What’s to be done?
Stop fighting land claims and wasting hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money. The Supreme Court and lower courts have repeatedly ruled in favour of the aboriginals. Yet “you and I are paying government lawyers to … act like rapacious divorce lawyers.”
Gut the federal Department of Indian Affairs, which “has neither ethical nor moral credibility.” Cut out the federal Justice Department lawyers. Settle the land claims. “No aboriginal is saying you have to leave your home in Mississauga.” As for the resource-rich lands up north and in the interior of B.C. and elsewhere, those are best managed by those who live there and feel strongly about, rather than greedy corporations whose few dozen directors sit in Toronto or New York.
Give Aboriginal Peoples on-site jobs in resource extraction — and equity that will give them “the influence to introduce different business models.” The new wealth would help tackle poverty and other ills.
Allocate federal resources, the way Ottawa did for Quebec, starting in the 1960s, to turn English-French relations around. “It took 30 to 40 years of painful work to set that right.”
Set up several commissions, tribunals and panels of prominent aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians to handle land claims, education, infrastructure, resources/exploration, etc.
Force federal and provincial governments to “let go of their paternalistic mindset. Aboriginals are not wards of the state. They don’t need charity. They want the power that our own history says is theirs by right.”
Failing all this, expect years of conflict ahead. “Aboriginal frustrations are reaching dangerous levels. In five to 10 years, the outcome will be out of control — we don’t know what that outcome would be. It could be violence. It could be non-cooperation with corporations wanting their resources.”
If we don’t come to terms with the Aboriginal Peoples, the issue would be “increasingly problematic for the existence of Canada.”
Fri.Jul.4,2014 Trapping Course
LINNA is offering a trapping course duration will be 4 days and on the last day you will do your test. the cost will be $275.00 any one interested in taking this course can contact the office. Office hours are Tuesdays 10-2 and Wednesday 10-2 number is (705) 472-0777 or you can contact me at (705) 358-4377. Dates pending
Wed.Nov.17,2010 Toronto Sun Page 31
Riel is a controversial figure in Canadian history
Wed. Jan.19,2011The Westaskiwin Times Page B16
Band wants cigarettes returned ( 75,000 Cartons of cigarettes)
Wed.Feb.16,2011 Edmonton Journal Page B3
Talking circles help Urban Natives connect with their own heritage.
( edmontonjournal.com)
Fri. June 10,2011 Winnipeg Free Press Page A4
Residents of St. Theresa Point First Nation have lived with no running water for years. Safe drinking water years away.
Wed. July 20,2011 The Chronicle Journal Page A1 &A3
First Nations ask for state of emergency in fire crisis
Wed. Oct. 12,2011 The Northern Sun Page 3
KI up to old antics: God’s Lake responds to “reckless” accusations
Wed. Oct.19,2011 The Northern Suite Page 1
Pikangikum and Eagle Lake First Nations move to dissolve Two Feathers Partnership
Wed. Oct.19,2011 Winnipeg Free Press Page B3
Status Indians could be extinct
Mon.Oct. 24,2011 Winnipeg Free Press Page A3
Reserves to get upgrade Ann Fontain of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development says nine Manitoba First Nations will see their water and sewage systems inproved over four years.
Sat. Oct.29,2011 North Bay Nugget Page 11 Sec.A
Canada is one of 16 of Queen Elizabeth II’s realms that met her Friday and agreed to changes proposed by British Prime Minister David Cameron to update the laws of succession set out in the 1601 Acts of Settlement.
Thurs. Dec.1,2011 Toronto Star Page A6
Minister orders new management for northern town . “They’re penalizing us for helping our own people,”
Local chief says after control of finances removed.
Abysmal conditions a “Normal” way of life.
Thurs.Dec.1,2011 Toronto Star Page A16
Fight to oust chief heads to Federal courts. A bitter fight to replace an Innu community’s chief and band council over alleged financial irregularities.
Sat. Dec.10,2011 The North Bay Nugget Page 10 Sec.A
Attawapiskat considers evacuation Housing Mobile homes for Attawapiskat to cost $1.2 Million
Mon Dec.12,2011 Toronto Star Page A6
Attawapiskat Chief welcomes extra homes but not third-party manager.
Mon. Dec.12,2011 Toronto Star Page A 14
Blaming chief won’t solve problem. It seems likely that Chief Theresa Spence has mismanaged funds and is partly responsible for the low standards of living in Attawapiskat , but does it matter?
October 15,2011
Mr. Regis who is enforcement manager for the MNR contacted our office to inform us that as of today they may charge our members for Hunting and fishing.
Article that was posted in the New York Times On May 13,2011
♦HST will be exempt effective September 1st please keep in mind that it is still to the stores discretion to accept the card.
August 24, 2009
LINNA is proud to inform the members that Our Supreme Grand Chief Dr. Patrick Sarrazin has been appointed two positions with the Intergovernmental Organization of the States.
(Canadian Parliament Group)
Current Articles
Supreme Grand Chief Dr. Patrick Sarrazin and Councel would like to Thank Viktor Busà and The Intergovernmental Organization of the States for the appointments We are honured to be walking in unity with the International Parliament for Safety and Peace.
LINNA would also like to thank the Federal Government of Canada for there role in securing a place in History for the Anishnawbe People.
Most Honoured,
Supreme Grand Chief,
Dr. Patrick Sarrazin
Grand Cheif inseting his heritage.
Orval with Birchbark caneo
Caneo was made by ( Makwa konse)